Meat balls

Children love these .

350 gr. minced meat (either beef or half beef/half pork)

2 medium potatoes or one very large one

1 egg

1 large onion

A handful of chopped parsley or mint

Some flour

Salt , pepper and a little cinnamon (optional)

I level teaspoon baking powder

Fat or corn oil for frying

Peel and grate the potatoes and onion .Mix together the potato , onion , minced meat , and then add the egg and seasonings .When it is well blended , form into 7cms , sausage-like rissoles (or , if for a party , into small inch-large balls) , roll in flour and fry in plenty of well heated fat until golden brown .

P.S. If the mince has no fat add a tablespoon of corn oil .