Jacques PEETERS , " Cipre "-" Cyprus Insula " (137x206mm) , Description de principales villes , Antwerp after 1685 . |
Peeters was an engraver and a publisher . His Description des principales villes... contained 143 copper engravings of Greek cities , harbours and islands . The amazing characteristic of his map of Cyprus is that it ignored all the valid prototypes of Cypriote cartography and chose to copy the deformed map of Cyprus which Beauvau published at the beginning of the 17th. century (Fig. 32) . His signature , "J. Peeters excudit", appears at the end of a list of place names that correspond to arabic numbers on the map , a feature also taken from Beauvau's map . Peeters added a cartouche , sailing ships , Aphrodite drawn by swans and other decorative features around the map . |